Father hear our prayer

Here you can light a candle for someone. Select a candle and click. You can do this using your own private intentions or fill in the boxes on the right. When you light a candle and submit your intention, an actual candle will be lit at St Stephen Walbrook in London, home of the London Internet Church at the weekly Prayer Service.
This service is available to you completely free. However especially at this time of the Covid-19 pandemic many of our income sources have completely dried up; we therefore rely even more on the generosity of our website visitors. Please give some serious consideration to sending us a donation, either a one-off or a monthly pledge. This can be done very easily, quickly and securely by clicking HERE. Thank you for your support!

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Do you shop online? Then please do this through TheGivingMachine. It doesn’t cost you a penny but you will be raising much needed extra income for us. Please click here to find out more.

First Name* :

Last Name* :

Location (Country or City)* :

Email address* :

Praying For (max 25 characters)* :

My prayer* :
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