Diocese of London * the Parish of St Stephen Walbrook

An invitation to join our Electoral Roll

The Church of England is a profoundly democratic organisation. You have the right to vote for your Parochial Church Council and for your representatives on Deanery Synod – who, in turn, vote for the representatives of the Diocese on General Synod (which is the Parliament of the Church of England). The way to vote is to be a member of the electoral roll. This is also the way you show your membership of this particular church.

Click here to download the Electoral Roll Application form

We would be most grateful if when you complete your enrollment application form you could also commit yourself to regular giving through a Standing Order. This can be done online very easily and securely on this page: www.ststephenwalbrook.net/support-us/.
Or if you prefer to do it with pen and paper, and mail us the signed original you can download a standing order Bank Mandate form
Click here to download the Bank Mandate form
Your generosity in this matter as always is much appreciated.

Under the Church Representation Rules any lay persons are entitled to have their names entered on the Roll if they
(i) are baptised and aged 16 or over;
(ii) have signed a form of application for enrolment;
and either
(iii) are members of the Church of England or of any church in communion with the Church of England being resident in the parish or (not being resident in the parish) having habitually attended public worship in the parish during the six months prior to the application for enrolment;
(iv) are members in good standing of a Church (not in communion with the Church of England) which subscribes to the doctrine of the Holy Trinity declaring themselves to be also members of the Church of England and having habitually attended public worship in the parish during the period of six months prior to enrolment.

Any error discovered in the Roll should be reported at once to the undersigned.

We look forward to welcoming you to our church at any time, either as a member or not. All are welcome.

Electoral Roll Officer

c/o Office Administrator
St Stephen Walbrook
39 Walbrook
London EC4N 8BN

In this Notice “parish” means an ecclesiastical parish.