Start:Stop at St Stephen Walbrook enables busy people to start their day by stopping to reflect. Ten minute reflections are repeated on the quarter hour, from 7.45am until 9.00m every Tuesday morning, beginning with a reading from scripture, followed by a reflection based on an event from this week in history, with space for silence and prayer. 

On 7th June 1893, Gandhi performed his first act of non violent resistance. Whilst a Hindu, he had a great affinity with the New Testament, particularly the Sermon on the Mount. “Do not resist an evildoer” doesn’t sound like a message Gandhi would have agreed with. Today we explore what Walter Wink has called the most misunderstood passage of the bible : “Turn the other cheek”. 

Listen or download this week’s reflection at the link above, or read the script here. 

Image : Frank Wesley ‘The Forgiving Father’. The artist also designed the urn for Gandhi’s ashes.