Brother Lawrence, a seventeenth century Carmelite Lay Brother seemed to perfect the art of being ‘constant in prayer’ – of making prayer ‘business as usual’. But isn’t that what monks are supposed to do? His letters and conversations published under the title “The Practice of the Presence of God” reveal that the life of a lay brother is not too far removed from our own – distracted by activities and different demands on our time each day. Brother Lawrence developed a technique of conversation with God as he performed his routine, day-to-day tasks. Wherever we happen to working this week, may we be inspired by the wisdom and example of Brother Lawrence; that we might continually practice being in the presence of God – that for us too, prayer – however and wherever it is said – becomes business as usual.

Find out more in this week’s Start Stop reflection. Listen online or download the audio recording at the link above, or read the script at this link.

Image: Monk (Mönch) by Katharina Fritsch, 1997/1999 (Art Institute Chicaco)